

Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Pregnancy of Miss Isabelle Mae

Since I just started updating my blog again, I wanted to document what my pregnancy has been like this far.

 It has been much different than my pregnancy with Jonathan, and I feel kind of guilty about that.  With JC everything was so new and every little thing just seemed like such a miracle!  Now don't get me wrong, I believe that all babies are miracles, but I kind of feel like I have a case of the "been there, done that".  And being pregnant with a toddler is.....less than ideal.  I can't nap when I want to, I can't sleep in on the weekends, I can't just sit down when I get home from work and not move until bed time. 

But, there are a lot of "I can's".  I can feel my little girl moving all day long, I can feel my love for her grow more and more every second, I can see my son kiss my belly and say "sissy", I can imagine what her little face will look like, I can believe in myself and in my body.  The "I can's" definitely outweigh the "I cant's".

11 weeks
13 weeks

18 weeks.  The day we found out blue or pink!

20 weeks

23 weeks

25 weeks

26 weeks  (hubby and I got bored and this is what he came up with)

I still can't believe I am putting the last two pictures on here and that I posted them on Facebook!  I have always been overweight and never been comfortable with my body.  Then, with my lovely son's pregnancy I got stretch marks, like most women I think.  I have had a really hard time accepting them as part of me.  I lost almost 25 pounds after I had my son (in addition to all the pregnancy weight) and that helped my confidence for sure, but I still hated my stretch marks.  This pregnancy however I have become much more....zen....and hippie I guess.  My husband says hippie.  lol  But, I see all these women with beautiful bodies and their stretch marks don't bother me.  So, why do mine???  I'm learning to accept them I guess.  And I think my bump looks pretty cute right now.  Hope ya'll are having a good weekend!!!
With love, Doni

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