

Friday, June 14, 2013

Hodge Podge

This post isn't really about anything specific, just a "what's been going on this week" type thingy.  :)

Let me start by saying I am starting a new venture tomorrow: Farmer's Market grocery shopping.  I am nervous and excited.  I started feeling very guilty earlier this week that we buy almost nothing local and (in an attempt to save money) have quit shopping at Whole Foods over the last month.  But, with some encouragement and reminders of what's important from some local moms in a Facebook group I'm in, we decided this is important.  The most important thing is making sure my family is safe, and that means taking better care of what I put into their bodies.  75% of our diet is "real food" and I make most things homemade already, but the ingredients need to be better.  So, I'm sure next week I'll post about how it goes!

I finally put together my beads from my Blessingway!  I think they are beautiful and I love them so much.  Right now, they are hanging in Isabelle's nursery and I am so looking forward to holding them and looking at them during labor to remember all the women who are supporting me and behind me and Isabelle that day (or days).  I would love to use the beads after, but I think I'll put them in Izzy's keepsake box so she can always have them.

My brother and niece spent a few days with us and Sher always takes control of my phone and I found these two sweet pictures on there after they left.  They're blurry, but I think they're precious.

Jonathan and I had a Panera date this morning!  I weigh myself every Friday (have for years) and my weight gain was really good last week, so I rewarded myself with Panera.  Yummo!  And JC naturally picked the largest thing they had, a huuuge cinnamon roll.  He ate almost all of it.  lol  I have found myself wanting to just do things with JC.  I guess it has really hit me that I don't have much time left with just him, so I am soaking up every second I can get.  So, not much housework has been accomplished this week, but boy has he had a good time lately.  He deserves it.  My son is pretty spectacular.

Earlier this week, my sweet friend Erin invited JC and I to meet her and her friend at a splash pad in Moore.  JC and Sher had a great time in the water and I had a great time catching up with my dear friend and getting to love on her precious baby K. 
 (There's baby K's big bro in the background.  hehe)

 Love it!

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